So, if you have a fear of turbulence, suffer with claustrophobia, or have a fear of heights, or a fear of being out of control and having a panic attack, or a fear of something catastrophic happening to the aircraft or any other fear…
I guarantee by the end of this training, you’ll understand what you need to do, to fly with total confidence, day, or night and in any weather condition.
If you have a fear of flying it can affect the quality of your life. It can prevent you from going on a holiday abroad, and even if you make it to your destination, it can ruin your holiday, because you just can’t stop worrying about the flight home!
It can cause rifts between you and your family or friends, as they simply don’t understand why you’re scared, and they’re not.
It can make very confident people feel totally out of control and this can manifest into a panic attack, which then embeds itself into other areas of their life, because once they’ve had a panic attack all they do is fear having another one, so people start avoiding situations where they might trigger one.
So, you can see how a fear of flying can literally ruin lives!
But the good news is, whether you’ve stopped flying altogether, or have never flown before, or do fly but in absolute terror, you can be taught how to overcome your fear of flying in less than 3 hours using The PATH Method.
PATH stands for Psychological and Technical Hack and it’s the fastest way to permanently overcome your fear of flying.
The reason why The PATH Method is far superior to any other method, is because it’s the only method that tackles both the rational and irrational parts of your brain, and the only method to tackle every aspect of the fear...
...because the fear of flying is made up of multiple different aspects, even though you might not be aware of this, and I’ll explain what I mean in just a moment.
But the point is, you must address every aspect of the fear to permanently remove it. Nothing else will work.
Because your fear of flying is made up of a combination of both psychological and technical fears. Most other methods only focus on the rational part of the brain, and this is why they don’t work
But The PATH Method deals with both the psychological and technical aspects, and this is why it has over a 95% success rate.
And that means in under 3 hours you’ll be able to book that dream holiday abroad with total confidence.
And when you walk onto the plane you’re relaxed and smile at other people as you walk down the aisle instead of masking your fear because you’re so embarrassed.
My name is Lawrence Leyton, and I am one of the world’s leading experts on the fear of flying. My techniques have been featured on the BBC and ITV news as well as on TV shows around the globe.

I’m the only person in the world to have had their own primetime TV show dedicated to my techniques on overcoming the ‘fear of flying’, where I took people…

(She goes from petrified)
(To flying with total confidence)
I also have a partnership with Europe’s leading airline easyJet, which for those of you in America, is equivalent to JetBlue or Southwest airlines, and I’ve developed a ‘fear of flying’ programme for them, which is so successful that it’s cured over 10,000 people throughout Europe using The PATH Method.

(Lawrence Live on Good Morning Britain, ITV.)
Ok, so you are probably wondering what exactly The Path Method is?
First, you need to understand that The Path Method has three phases, and they must be done in the correct order, because the brain learns in a specific way.
There's the TRUST phase, where you need to learn ALL the noises, sensations, and movements during a flight, as well as understanding the many safety features and redundancies (i.e. backup systems) that are on ALL modern-day planes. This builds trust in the aircraft and its ability to fly in any weather condition.
And this means when you hear a strange noise or feel a tiny little movement you don’t exaggerate things out of all proportion.
In the trust phase, you have to dig deep into all the technical aspects of flying, such as what happens if an engine fails, or what happens if both engines fail, or is turbulence dangerous, or how a plane flies at night, or in fog or even on its own...
Because once these gaps are filled you are reassured and feel safe and secure.
The trust phase is all about letting go of wanting to fly the plane yourself from the backseat, because when you feel out of control you’re scared. But once all the unknowns become known, then you’re fully in control and happy.
The point is would you rather let an expert pilot with many years of commercial flying experience fly the plane or have a go flying it yourself?!
So, once you come out of this trust phase, you let go of your need to control the situation and this means you just sit back and relax during the flight.
You see all of the unknowns torment your rational brain, because it needs specific information to be filled in, before it can totally relax. Without this information, you’re going to either avoid flying altogether, or you’ll need strong and potentially harmful meds to get through the flight, and even still, you might feel traumatised during your journey.
But the good news is that The PATH Method fills in those gaps, giving your rational brain the exact information it needs to trust not only the aircraft, but of course the pilot and all the safety systems in place.
Just as Alena found out.
“I’ve never felt so good in my entire life.”
So just like Alena now can, imagine being able to sleep well, the night before your flight and when you wake up...
...you’re excited, because you know you’re soon going to be lying on a comfy sunbed, and feeling the beautiful sunshine on your body and the sand beneath your feet.
Wouldn’t that feel great, well it’s all possible when you implement The PATH Method.
So, once you have full trust in the aircraft, the systems, and the pilot, it’s time to move onto the PSYCHOLOGICAL phase.
This is where you gain the ability to control your irrational thoughts, and this is based on the latest research in applied behavioural science, so you get to change your anxious and negative thoughts instantly.
Because when you understand the science behind irrational thinking, you get to run your own brain rather than letting your brain run you! And this is the other reason why The Path Method is so effective.
You’ll discover no matter what your fear is, your brain goes through the same psychological process and creates the worst-case scenario movies ahead of time and it’s THIS that triggers a chain reaction starting with adrenaline pumping through your body...
Which causes your heart rate to go up and your fear to escalate and spiral out of control!
But The PATH Method equips you with an entire arsenal of psychological tools.
So instead of focussing on the worst-case scenario, you focus on what you want.
For example, being able to step onboard your holiday flight and seeing yourself totally calm throughout your journey, so much so, that after you’ve had a drink or something to eat, you’re able to sleep, or read a book, or listen to some music, or even watch a movie.
So instead of fuelling your fear, The Path Method gives you the ability to control your irrational thoughts just as Aiden found out…
“Lawrence broke my cycle of fear!”
So, after the second phase of The Path Method process, you already have FULL trust in the technical side of flying and you also understand how to control your irrational thoughts so that your mind is calm.
The third and final phase of The Path Method is the CONFIDENCE phase, because you need to rebuild your confidence to fly from the ground up.
Most people lacking the confidence to fly, know that it’s held them back from going on holidays abroad, but they just don’t know how to fix it. The Path Method uses proprietary techniques to change YOU from the inside out...
...so, no matter whether you have never flown before, have not flown for many years, or currently only fly with meds, you’ll be confident to fly anywhere in the world.
And talking of meds, let me just say that these are only a temporary fix that may suppress your fear, but if you get the timing wrong they don’t work.
Not only this, they can also make you more anxious, worrying if they will wear off before the end of the flight. They also impact your ability to drive when you get to your destination or make you feel lousy for the first part of your trip.
And some of these meds have black box warnings from the FDA because they are potentially dangerous.

But The Path Method will give you the confidence to fly in any weather condition and the confidence to fly even without meds as you’ll hear.
“I thought it was worth a shot and you nailed it!”
Just imagine having the confidence to fly anywhere in the world and in any weather condition, and the confidence to fly without having to pop a pill, and instead of sitting on the plane with a glazed look on your face, feeling completely out of it, you feel alert and alive, and excited about arriving at your destination.
I want you to listen to Mark’s inspirational story as The Path Method gave him the confidence not only to fly again, but to also change his career.
Hi, my name is Mark Wein, and in my 20s I developed a fear of flying that ultimately stopped me flying altogether. I started to feel very uncomfortable with it in my teens, and by the time I hit 30, that was it...
...I was done. I completely stopped flying!
“The PATH Method completely changed how I thought about flying!”

My fear was always triggered by turbulence, but it ran deeper than that. I just didn’t trust the plane or the pilots or being closed inside what seemed like a metal tube in the sky. I was just scared of it all. But turbulence for me was always the main trigger.
Just booking a flight was a trauma in itself!
So, you can imagine how I was by the day of a flight. And of course, that’s only half the story, because after the flight, which was no fun whatsoever, I’d take a few days to recover from the ordeal and then start stressing again about the flight home.
Holidays became totally unenjoyable. I still went occasionally, but my fear got worse and worse until one particular turbulent flight back from the Caribbean, which just felt like a white-knuckle ride.
Obviously, it wasn’t but try telling me that at the time. I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t eat. I certainly couldn’t read or watch a movie.
In fact, I couldn’t do anything. I just sat there with my hands gripping the seat in terror, fixated on the seatbelt sign, and waiting for what I thought was the inevitable!
So, once I landed, I swore I’d never fly again.
And that’s how it was for 2 years. I was grounded. Trouble was after that period, I needed to travel for my job because at that time, I was the co-owner of the Horse of the Year Show, which is the UK largest and oldest International indoor horse show.
So, I HAD to fly a short distance to France with my business partner and some of my team, but they had no idea that I had a fear of flying. In fact, no one did. I kept it secret, because as a typical male and a business owner, I was highly embarrassed by my fear.
So, what did I do on the day of the flight? I pretended I was ill and didn’t go. Truthfully it was probably the worst day of my corporate life because I let myself down and I let my business down.
So, whilst it was a low day for me, on a positive note it was actually a turning point. Because I knew I NEEDED to take action, and this is where Lawrence kicked in.
Because a friend of mine was on his Fear of Flying TV show and came back raving about The Path Method.
So, via my friend I contacted Lawrence who taught me The Path Method which totally changed the way I thought about flying.
In fact, I was so blown away by The PATH Method that I teamed up with Lawrence and together we formed the Fearless Flyer Programme and partnered with easyJet to make The PATH Method available to everyone.
Lawrence here again, and I hope by now you can see how and why The PATH Method is the fastest, safest, and most effective way to permanently overcome your ‘fear of flying’.
Because first, it gives your rational brain the exact information it needs to trust the plane, the pilot and all the safety systems in place, which means you can just sit back and relax during your flight.
And second, it uses cutting-edge psychological techniques to completely STOP your irrational thoughts, and this means you’ll finally feel in control of the situation.
And third it rebuilds your confidence to fly from the ground up.
And it’s this unique combination that makes The PATH Method so successful.
I’ve taught The PATH Method to over 10,000 people and it’s been so successful that I receive requests from people all over the world to teach them.

(Over 10,000 success stories… Are you next?)
Which is why we created an online video version of the Fearless Flyer training which delivers The Path Method process from the comfort of your own home.
This includes a senior easyJet Captain who will FILL in all those GAPS so that ALL the unknowns become known and therefore no longer scary anymore.

For example, he will explain every single noise, sensation, and movement that you might encounter during your flight, as well as things like; turbulence and why it can’t bring a plane down, how a plane can land on water, how a plane can land on its own in fog and how pilots must be tested every 6 months just to keep their job.
And once you understand the highly sophisticated technology and safety features off all modern-day aircraft, your brain will just relax because you know you’re SAFE.
Plus, you’ll use proven psychological techniques to calm your mind, so instead of creating worst case scenario movies up in your head, you focus on all the nice things you’ll be doing when you get to your destination.
Once you’ve completed the Fearless Flyer video training, you’ll fly with total confidence, and look forward to booking a holiday abroad instead of dreading it.
And when you get to your destination, you have fun, rather than constantly worrying about the flight home.
What’s great is, for the next few days, you can take advantage of a special promotion that we’re currently running where…

Plus, you’re also going to get some really valuable bonuses.
So, what bonuses will you get?
The first bonus is the ‘Captain’s Commentary’, which is an invaluable audio that you can download to your phone or any other device and this means you can take the captain with you on every flight.
Imagine the Captain sitting next to you and giving you a running Commentary throughout the flight.
It works in progressive steps based on where you are on your journey, so the captain will talk you through for example, the preparation for take-off sequence, then the taxi to the runway sequence...
...then the take-off itself and explain what all the noises and sensations are as well as preparation for landing and the landing sequence itself, plus much, much more.
So instead of experiencing a white-knuckle ride, you have a conversation with the person in the next seat and enjoy the journey.
Not only that, but I’ll also include my specific video training for panic attacks called the P.R.O.P. technique which removes your ‘fear of the fear’ of having a panic attack and instead you’ll feel completely in control and confident in any situation.
Plus, I’ll also give you my panic attack talk-down audio, so you can download the key steps of the P.R.O.P. technique to your phone, so you have it when you most need it and be able to calm down instantly.
You’ll also get our advanced technical course called, Ask the Pilot? as well as our downloadable audio, called, Turbulence Relief and that means you’ll be able to sit through any type of turbulence and still feel calm and confident.
And finally, you’ll get my special relaxation audios, which you can also take with you on every flight. This is particularly useful for long-haul flights because you can just put your headphones on, sit back and completely relax and drift off to sleep!
Plus, we’ll also UPGRADE you to lifetime access to the online course instead of the normal 30 days access. That means you’ll get total peace of mind, as you’ll be able to repeat the course as many times as you want.

- The Fearless Flyer Video Training (Value £89.00)
- The Captain’s Commentary (Value £35.00)
- The Panic Attack Video Training (Value £47.00)
- The Panic Attack Talk-Down Audio (Value £39.00)
- Ask the Pilot Advanced Course (Value £27.00)
- The Turbulence Relief Audio (Value £35.00)
- Special Relaxation Audios (Value £22.00)
As an EXTRA BONUS, we’ll also
upgrade you to ‘Lifetime Access’.
Once you purchase this amazing bundle, you’ll be taken to a page where your logins will be automatically generated so you can make an immediate start on the course.
Everything is online so you can access it from anywhere in the world and from any device.
The price will increase very soon, so make sure you take advantage today and don’t miss out on all those invaluable bonuses.
I’m going to leave you with a glimpse of how The Path Method changes lives every single week, and hopefully you’ll be inspired to take some action today and change your life forever.